going to start with a story which was told by the American cartoonist
Al Capp. The story is about a creature called the Schmoo. The Schmoo was
10 inches high and something like a pear in shape and a beautiful creamy
white in colour, it had no arms, tiny feet and big whiskers under it's
nose. The Schmoo had only one desire, to serve the needs of human beings
and it was well-equipped to do so. Its skin could be made into any kind
of fabric. Its flesh was edible. Its dead body could go brick-hard and
be used for building. And its whiskers, well its whiskers had more uses
than you can imagine. If you looked at a Schmoo with real hunger in your
eye it dropped dead in rapture because you wanted it, after first
cooking itself into your favourite flavour.
since they multiplied rapidly there were plenty of Schmoos for
everybody and they even looked good in the environment. Almost everyone
approved of the Schmoos. But some people weren't keen on them. The rich
capitalists hated the Schmoos. Since Schmoos provided everything people
needed nobody had to work for capitalists anymore because nobody needed
to make the wages to buy the things capitalists sold. So as the Schmoos
spread across the face of America the capitalists began to lose their
position and their power. And this made them take drastic action. They
got the government to tell the people that the Schmoo was un-American,
the Schmoo was causing chaos undermining the social order, people
weren't turning up for work and they weren't going to the department
stores to buy anything.
Well the government propaganda convinced the people and the President ordered the FBI to gather the Schmoos and gun them down.
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